I write in response to the article ‘Rebel’s action: Your views’ in the July 4 edition of the HT.

The Land Drainage Act 1991 requires that a watercourse be maintained by its owner in such a condition that the free flow of water is not impeded. The riparian owner must accept the natural flow from upstream but need not carry out work to cater for increased flows resulting from types of works carried out upstream e.g. new housing developments.


Kingsland farmer John Price is the riparian owner for that section of the river Lugg. Mr Price’s actions have saved the four houses adjoining the bridge from flooding since the work was done. Before this, they had flooded, the cost of repairs running in to many thousands of pounds. At the time Mr Price was being prosecuted 14,842 members of the public supported his actions.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

The unwillingness of the Environment Agency to reply to the Hereford Times (when approached for comment) says to me that they are not a suitable organisation to be dealing with rivers and flood management, especially in the light of climate change. They have exaggerated the damage done, the river is looking better now than before Mr Price intervened.

A new Wye catchment drainage authority should be set up, managed by local landowners and farmers.

