I AM deeply concerned about the Vistry Group’s latest steps to push ahead with their plan to build a further 450 new houses south of Ledbury.

It’s alarming that a developer like Vistry can exert pressure to get its way, via a ‘screening opinion request’ to Herefordshire Council and a postal drop to residents, ignoring ongoing consideration of the Local Plan, the adopted Ledbury Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) and strong, formal opposition from the town council and a large number of local people.

The Local Plan (2021-2041) is still under consideration and not yet at the Reg 19 stage.

READ MORE: Builder Vistry's 450-home plan for Ledbury takes step closer

The Ledbury NDP (2023), which has considerable planning weight, determined a settlement boundary which is completely ignored in Vistry’s latest proposals.

And no account is being taken of the fact that local people don’t want another 450 new houses at this location because: Ledbury has already accepted over 50 per cent more than its total planned housing allocations up to 2031.

This large-scale development will cause problems for the town’s infrastructure, already stretched by current house building.

One of the few remaining unspoilt areas close to Ledbury, at its southern entrance and bordering the Malvern Hills AONB, will be lost, adversely affecting the setting and character of the town.

Why are we being pressurised to accept a further 450 new houses, not as part of a recognised planning system but as dictated by a powerful, opportunistic developer?

Mark Lister

Ledbury Civic Society chair