YOUR article ‘Rally kills trade’ (September 20) raises some important points.

Did everyone enjoy the rally as Ledbury Town Council would have us believe?

Roaring engines and exhaust fumes affected the entire centre of town.

Cramped access made shopping difficult.

Look at the photographs — there are some people crammed on the narrow pavements but not a ‘crowd’.

And I bet no one did an assessment of the number of people who avoided the town for the day (which included me and a group of friends).

At a time when we are encouraged to move away from carbon-fuelled polluting vehicles, why run this event in Ledbury at all, destroying the unique atmosphere of our historic town?

And why on a Saturday when it will have the biggest negative impact on traders and other visitors?

It’s time for the town council to assess the implications fully and think this through again.

Susanna Perkins


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