SELFISH thieves have repeatedly struck at an old phone box turned library in a Herefordshire village. 

The Burley Gate Book Box, which is housed in the village's old red phone box, opened its door to book lovers in March 2020.

The redundant box, sited just off the A465, was purchased from British Telecom by Much Cowarne Group Parish Council and offered to the village to plug the gap left by the withdrawal of the county library service, which was scrapped amid budget cuts in 2011.


Locals joined forces to help turn the phone box into a usable library, with shelves installed and books donated to the initiative, which aimed to cater for a wide range of reading tastes and ages.

The library works on a simple book exchange model, allowing a book to be taken and returned on the next visit, or a book to be donated in return for one borrowed. 

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But, draft minutes from the September meeting of Ocle Pychard Group Parish Council reveal, some visitors are failing to get into the spirit of the initiative.

The minutes said it had been reported that on several occasions, books have been stolen from the book box.

The council resolved to pass the issue to Much Cowarne Parish Council as the box is in its parish area.