THE OWNER of a former Ledbury racehorse has paid tribute to her 'heart' after he died aged 29. 

Orient Bay took part in 72 races throughout his career and was trained by highly successful Eastnor trainer Matt Shepherd.

The highlight of Orient Bay's career came on March 3, 2002, when he won a point-to-point race at Hornby Castle.

After his racing career ended in 2006 at age 11 following a nasty fall, he came to be in the possession of Zena Clueit.

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Miss Clueit, from Ledbury, managed to get Orient Bay after a chance conversation with his owner at the school gates. 

Miss Clueit said: "Orient Bay was absolutely amazing, the bond we had was truly unique.

"He was always very chatty, he knew my car noise so I always had a chatty welcome to the field, I taught him to give me kisses, he used to have his little quirky ways. 

"The memories I have over the 19 years that I owned him are truly amazing, he really was my heart horse.

"He was so full of character, he made me laugh so many times, and he was just perfect."

He was retired from any form of riding around four years ago as his legs were becoming arthritic, meaning he needed a low-dose painkiller to keep him comfortable. 

Last winter, he lost a lot of weight before getting facial palsy, meaning Miss Clueit had to help him with eating. 

She added: "It took a while but I got his weight back up this summer, but I knew now he was 29 years old I couldn't put him through another winter, it just wasn't fair on him.

"I made the most of every day with him, spending as much time as possible with him but I sadly had to make the hardest decision ever to say bye to my gorgeous lad.

"I promised him I would be there for him right to the end, I managed it but it broke my heart in two, a part of me went with him.

"He was the best time I've ever had in my life and is definitely proof that there is life after racing."