The organisers of this year’s Ledbury Carnival which was held on August Bank Holiday Monday are having an open meeting to invite feedback on the event.

The meeting is open to anyone who wishes to have ‘their say’ on this year’s Carnival.

Janet Meredith, one of the carnival organisers, said: “We welcome both criticism and favourable comments raised by the public and will do our best to respond to any issues raised.

“Some of these changes may not seem significant to many but for those affected it has reduced their enjoyment of the event.

“In 2021 we were made aware that Disability Scooter and Wheelchair users were unable to see the parade clearly so in 2022 we sectioned off an area for their use which worked very well and was increased further in 2023. 

“As a result of speaking to spectators we learned that the same group of users would like to take part themselves.

“A new competitive class was introduced to the procession.

“It was decided it would be impractical for these entrants to travel from the Rugby Club and be able to complete the full procession route safely, so after speaking to the manager of the Co-Op in New Street, we were able to do the judging there and, by stopping the procession for a matter of minutes, the new Class was able to enter the procession at that point. 

“In 2023, it was suggested that we have a ‘quiet area’ for small children and babies to play away from the noise of the children’s activities and entertainment yet close enough for parents to be able to keep an eye on older children who were enjoying the entertainment.

“This year we were able to provide such a space, protected by a gazebo, which also proved popular.

“Whilst these tweaks affect a minority, we feel they are equally as important as more fundamental issues affecting the majority of attendees.

“Some problems may be beyond our control but we will listen and make attempts to resolve these issues welcome all comments raised.

“We are a small committee but we are local people and aim to make Carnival Day enjoyable for everyone.

“We can only do this if we are aware of anything which negatively affects your enjoyment of the event.

“Each and Every suggestion for improvement will be discussed at the meeting and we will let you know of the outcome where possible.

“Remember: This is your chance to speak out about carnival.”

The meeting takes place at 7pm on Wednesday, September 25, at Ledbury Methodist Church.

Anyone unable to attend this meeting can email feedback to: or speak to a member of the committee.