Ledbury Flower Show held on Carnival Day turned out to be very popular with over 400 members of the public through the doors of the Community Centre, Lawnside.

There were over 300 exhibits for the public to view and enjoy, as well as a Bric-a Brac stall, a Prize Draw event, and tea/coffee with some delicious cakes provided by the Ledbury WI ladies.

A spokesperson for the Flower show said: “It was hugely gratifying to see so many people enjoying the afternoon.

"Many thanks to all our helpers, exhibitors, judges, and members of the public who made the show such a success.

"This year we were fortunate in having a photographer who recorded the whole event throughout the day. All the pictures can be found on the Ledbury Flower Show Facebook page.

The spokesperson added “In 2024 the Carnival celebrated its 50th anniversary.

"In 2025 The Ledbury show will be celebrating its 150th anniversary.

"As such we hope to bring a bigger and better show to celebrate the occasion and for the people of Ledbury to enjoy and have some fun."

If you wish to help and support our 150th anniversary then please contact the Flower Show secretary on 07875478484