MEASURES to tackle issues on a 'dangerous' road near Malvern Splash Leisure Complex have been dubbed a 'bronze medal solution' by campaigners.

New 'SLOW markings' are set to be placed on Priory Road outside the splash after bids for a zebra crossing and pedestrian warning sign were knocked back.

Adrian Thomas, who has been leading the campaign for a zebra crossing, told the Gazette that, while he felt the markings were not the best solution to address his huge concerns, the measures would at least act as a caution. 

Mr Thomas originally set up a petition to install a zebra crossing which gained around 400 signatures. 

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This was after he became 'hugely concerned' about the dangers of the road between the Malvern Splash Leisure Complex and the two opposite car parks after seeing at least three near misses where children could have been hit by cars. 

Worcestershire County Council cited a lack of funds and no reported accidents in the area over the past five years as reasons not to move forward with the zebra crossing. 

The alternative new markings, which are expected to be installed over the next two to three months, will be used to warn motorists of people on the road and in the area.

Mr Thomas said:  "Although this is not the best solution, at least it acts as a caution. 

"In Olympics terms, we have won a bronze medal and it’s down to the signatories of the petition and the front house staff at the Splash as it’s their medal in the name of safety.

"I am happy we have actually got a positive result and have confirmed a 'SLOW' road marking within a few months."

Cllr Nielsen, who is county councillor for Malvern Langland, added she was 'very pleased' by the news.

“I am grateful to highways colleagues for engaging in the dialogue which has taken place since residents actively lobbied for a zebra crossing on Priory Road with over 330 people signing a petition. 

"I know we all remain disappointed since we were told this was not possible and would cost too much."