IN August, MPs are on ‘recess’, which means the House is not sitting in Westminster and we’re able to spend more time in our constituencies.

It’s been lovely to be able to meet with so many local organisations this month! I’ve visited St Michael’s Hospice, Leominster Allotments, Ledbury Health Partnership and an NFU meeting with dozens of farmers, to name just a few. If you’d like me to visit your business, charity or community group, do get in touch.

Many people have written to me about issues they feel passionately about, and I’m working hard to ensure I respond to everyone.

For example, dozens of constituents have emailed about the government’s decision to significantly restrict eligibility for Winter Fuel Payment.

I share these concerns and have written to the Chancellor asking her to reconsider and ensure that no one suffers as a result of the change.

I welcome the push to increase uptake of Pension Credit, but there are too many people who will miss out and suffer this winter as a result of the policy.

I’ve also been campaigning for the lifting of the two-child benefit cap. This could lift 300,000 children out of poverty at a stroke.

The cap is a clear example of a policy that should never have been introduced and which Labour should scrap immediately.

Every child deserves a decent start in life, and I believe that all our decisions in politics should be guided by trying to make things better for the next generation.

Talking of making things better: there are lots of things that could be improved in Westminster, and I’m working on this too!

I made a speech in Parliament on July 25 on modernisation of the House of Commons which seems to have struck a chord with many people.

Too many procedures – even the basics like sitting, speaking and voting – are inefficient.

If we’re concerned about improving productivity in the UK, I believe Parliament should move with the times too.

I’m continuing to hold monthly surgeries in each of the four market towns in my constituency (Leominster, Ledbury, Bromyard and Kington) – please email to raise issues or to book an appointment.

And to keep in touch with my work, do sign up for my regular email here:


What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Thank you!