I AM disappointed that Jeremy Owenson felt the need to respond to my letter regarding flood prevention in such an aggressive way (Gazette letters, August 2).

He seems to be under the mistaken impression that I am a publicist for the excellent work done by Mary Long Dhonau which could not be further from the truth.

Mary’s work over 20 years speaks for itself.

She is widely recognised as an expert and her advice is given freely, both in person and via her website.

The EA, local authorities and insurance companies sometimes hire Mary and the Floodmobile to raise awareness of what people can do to protect their homes or to go into communities post-flood to give advice — but the advice itself is free to all who need it.

Having myself lived in both Ripple and Upton, I have seen serious flooding at first-hand and I am well aware of the damage that can be done as well as the preventative work that has been achieved in this and other areas.

When I lived in Ripple I personally helped residents to move their belongings upstairs to help minimise flood devastation.

In addition, before the improved road bridge, flood defences and raised road at Upton, the town was often inaccessible by road during my time living there.

I would also mention, just for the record, that I may be many things but I am not, nor have I ever been, ‘ridiculous’.

Linda Hardwick


I AM aware there have been a couple of recent letters to your paper regarding local flood defences and would like to set the record straight.

There is no doubt that Dame Harriett Baldwin, as a local MP, has indeed campaigned for flood defences for the constituencies she serves.

We have waved to each other on occasions across committee rooms at the House of Commons.

What I think Linda Hardwick was trying to get over was that Dame Harriett was not a lone campaigner.

I did indeed support those communities in their campaigning but it is the communities themselves that were the unsung heroes as they campaigned long and hard, putting in many hours — as volunteers — making sure their voices were heard.

With regard to Mr Owenson’s comments, I neither need nor want publicity.

I have been raising awareness of flood risk and promoting Property Flood Resilience for almost a quarter of a century now and to that end I am well known enough!

I may be a ‘flood consultant’ but during the last year I have given over 90 unpaid media interviews and have given, as a volunteer, my time to support the many people who have contacted me afterwards for advice and continue to do that on a daily basis.

Mary Long-Dhonau


What do you think? Write to letters@malverngazette.co.uk.