Ledbury Real Ales alongside a number of other local businesses visited HMS Ledbury - after a major refit.

Ant Stevens of Ledbury Ales said: “As part of the Royal Navy’s engagement program, we were privileged to be invited down to Portsmouth on Monday July 29 to visit the ship as she ends her current refit.”

They were joined by other local delegates, including Local Councillor Stef Simmonds, and the visitors experienced a wonderful afternoon.

They were first treated to lunch in HMS Nelson, then they went on to see the mine-hunter at close quarters being shown around by the crew – sitting in the gun placement and using the fire hoses - as well as learning about the latest work, the diving and mine hunting equipment.

The delegation also got to see the current refit that has been done to prepare her for her next posting.

The day ended with a tour of the Admiralty archives.

HMS Ledbury is the oldest active commissioned ship in the Royal Navy, she was launched in December 1979 and commissioned in June 1981.

HMS Ledbury is a Hunt Class Mine Counter Measures Vessels (MCMV). The Hunt Class live up to their name by searching the world‘s seabeds for mines and lost explosives using high definition sonar.

She plays a vital role in maintaining the freedom of navigation on the high seas and supporting the UK’s international trade.

When she finishes her current refit in the next couple of months she is expected to be posted back to the gulf to continue her work for many more years to come.