TRACTOR enthusiasts have raised thousands for a rural lifeline while marking the end of an era with the return of an annual event.

Busman's holiday, Knighton haulier David Edwards in his Massey Ferguson 362Busman's holiday, Knighton haulier David Edwards in his Massey Ferguson 362 (Image: EA Bates)

Over £3,000 was raised for the Midlands Air Ambulance on August 28 by the fifteenth running of Martin’s Tractor Run based at Newcastle on Clun.

Starting from The Garn farm (by kind permission of the Richards family) tractor drivers from all over the marches congregated at what organiser Martin Watkins said was his fifteenth and last tractor run.

Enjoying the run before the puncture: Roy Lloyd on his Fordson MajorEnjoying the run before the puncture: Roy Lloyd on his Fordson Major (Image: EA Bates)

After Mr Watkins' welcome and safety speech it was time for the off, route leader, Mike Whittal, led the trundling convoy of 41 tractors out of the farmyard to head up the road to the Duffryn where they turned right and took the concrete drive to Dowke farm and across the fields to climb up to Dowke Hill.

Glowing golden in the sunshine, John Williams' Ford 333Glowing golden in the sunshine, John Williams' Ford 333 (Image: EA Bates)

After a left and a right the tractors descended down into the Teme Valley and circumnavigated around to Cwm Cole.

Martin Watkins climbing Llanfair Hill on his runMartin Watkins climbing Llanfair Hill on his run (Image: EA Bates)


Climbing up Llanfair Hill to pause at the Triangle to take in the scenic 360 degree views and the sight of Offa’s Dyke, here saw Roy Lloyd abandon the run due to a puncture on his Fordson Major, within sight of home he quickly took it home and hitched a ride in a 4x4.

Route plotter Mike Whittal taking the Clun watersplashRoute plotter Mike Whittal taking the Clun watersplash (Image: EA Bates)

Then it was off again to Springhill and run the ridge to Rockhill. Heading for Clun the tractors took to the back lanes to cross the ford of the river Clun. Here, route leader, Mike Whittal’s daughter Bryony and grandchildren Ada and tractor-mad David came to cheer on Grandad and wave to the procession crossing the river.

Robert Adams of Newcastle on his Fordson Major.JPGRobert Adams of Newcastle on his Fordson Major (Image: EA Bates)

Crossing the B4368 to take the back lanes out of Clun to climb up to Guilden Down, here saw the convoy of tractors go off-road on the farm track, passing the ripening wheat fields to emerge out onto the well-marshalled junction with the A488.

A trio of Bridgnorth visitors, Chris Nott on his Fordson Major leading Lynne & Adrian Rickhuss on MF135 & Ford 3000 respectivelyA trio of Bridgnorth visitors, Chris Nott on his Fordson Major leading Lynne & Adrian Rickhuss on MF135 & Ford 3000 respectively (Image: EA Bates)

Doing a short length of main road to turn left towards Bryn, the group then wound their way around the hedge-lined lanes to Mardu, heading to the finish at Newcastle and the late luncheon at the village hall.

After refreshments, which saw all the food donated by various companies and individuals cooked and prepared by a team of helpers, it was time for the raffle and auction lots before Mr Watkins made his speech stating this would be his last run.

Cleobury Mortimer's John Griffiths on his David Brown 995 (Image: EA Bates)

He shared how the tractor runs started after the sudden death of friend and neighbour, David Hudson, when he had the honour to be asked to help organise one by David’s twin brother Brian. This came to fruition in 2008 and was so successful it was decided to continue running them.

In 2017, Brian sadly passed away, so it was decided to continue with the runs in memory of both twins.

Brian Gwilt of Newtown on his David BrownBrian Gwilt of Newtown on his David Brown (Image: EA Bates)

He went on to say that the runs had raised £25,500 in total for various charities close to our hearts and it had only been possible with the help of friends and family and the support of all the tractor drivers.

Mr Watkins thanked everyone for the generous donations and the wonderful raffle prizes. He thanked all helpers and landowners for allowing the use of their land over the years and finished off by saying he had loved being part of the team and meeting new friends with similar interests.