PUB fans have been reminiscing on visits to a once-thriving village pub which has now been left derelict.

Locals have been recalling happy memories of the Volunteer Inn pub, in Walkers Green in the picturesque village of Marden.

The centuries-old pub once offered a friendly and traditional atmosphere, with an array of dishes on offer, before its closure in 2014.

Posting in the Hereford Times Camera Club Facebook group, Mark Jickells, uploaded a recent photograph of the abandoned pub, saying: “I was remembering the amazing panelling inside the pub and mentioned to my friend that it was the landlord who created it.


“Today it's derelict. It felt sad considering the workmanship inside. We know that many more fantastic pubs have, and are, closing down.

“I was lucky enough to take a snap of the inside back in 2013. Here it is and today”

Commenting on the photograph, Verity Camden said: “Had my first date with my now husband there. Many happy memories of my teenage years were created at the Volly!”

Debbie Berry also shared fond memories of the former pub, saying: “So sad used to be a great pub. Often stopped off for a sneaky shandy whilst exercising horses. Such a shame. Wonder who owns it now.”

Julian Edwards, recognising the former pub said: “Such a shame, I used to play piano here and work behind the bar in the early 1990s, was a popular place”

Kevin Pulling recounted his times in the pub saying: “That was our local pub when we were all 18 had some great times in there, Reg and Di were landlord and landlady then Trevor Ford and Val, great all-round people”, he added he was “sorry to see the state of it now”.

Mark Jickells, author of the post, replied saying: “Good to hear of your time in the pub. Yes, all things come to an end but it does look a sad old place now.”