IT IS a very special year for Ledbury Carnival.

The carnival is celebrating 50 years of putting on the event for the people of Ledbury.

Organisers have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to make the Golden Carnival extra special. The Carnival takes place on August Bank Holliday Monday, August 26.

Janet Meredith, of the Carnival Association said the day is a truly momentous event - especially because it is the 50th year it has been hosted in Ledbury.

Every year organisations come together for the Carnival Procession which takes place on the day with crowds cheering on from the sidelines.

The Carnival is a great opportunity for organisations to get their message out to the community.

She said: “Ledbury Carnival is a wonderful day for all the family!

“Fairground rides, bands, stalls, dance displays, children’s entertainment and, of course, our Carnival Procession.

“Everyone is welcome.”

Janet Meredith, of the Carnival Association said preparations are going well for the Carnival’s 50th Golden year.

She said: “Carnival is finally beginning to get into full swing with invitations going out to local businesses and traders to enter the annual Shop Window competition.

“It is hoped that this years ‘Carnival Goes Gold’ theme will attract a wide variety of colourful and imaginative windows.

“If any shop wishes to take part and hasn’t received an invitation yet please get in touch via email to Raffle tickets also go on sale this week and the Programme released.

“Both Raffle Tickets and Programmes will be available by the Market House every Saturday morning throughout August.

“Top prize is a Nintendo Switch donated by One Stop Stores. The Carnival Association is most grateful for such a generous prize.

At only £1 a ticket it has to be worth a try.

The procession leaves the Rugby Club at 12 noon and travels to the Full Pitcher roundabout where it will turn on to New Street.

The parade will stop briefly outside the Co-op to enable those who will struggle to walk from the Rugby Club, and the decorated Mobility wheelchairs and scooters to join.

The parade will arrive at the Top Cross at approximately 12.30 before travelling through the High Street and Homend. It will then turn on to Orchard Lane at the traffic lights at Tesco before disembarking at the Primary school.