MALICIOUS notes have been left on car windscreens in one Herefordshire town.

A recent meeting of Bromyard Town Council's traffic management committee heard that the notes had been raised as an issue of concern in the town.

Councillors heard that people living in the Kirkham Gardens area are aware that someone living nearby is leaving "malicious and distressing notes" on the windscreens of parked cars, minutes from the July 22 meeting said. 


The exact contents of the notes were not divulged in the meeting minutes. 

What is the law on leaving nasty notes?

Leaving aggressive notes on car windscreens can land you in hot water, with Dominic Wyatt, an expert from the International Drivers Association, warning last year that "leaving a hostile or abrasive note on a vehicle can now result in a fine in the UK. Civility and propriety should not be discarded when addressing parking concerns.

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You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

The law categorises an aggressive note as a form of anti-social behaviour, which falls under the scope of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act of 2014.

This legislation includes various types of actions that cause harassment, alarm, or distress to another individual, and can include aggressive notes on cars.

Those found guilty of placing such notes can be handed a Community Protection Notice, which carries a fine of up to £2,000.