GARDENERS' World star Monty Don has shared his reaction to north Herefordshire's general election result with his 1.3 million Instagram followers.

He is celebrating the result in north Herefordshire, where Dr Ellie Chowns of the Green Party defeated the Conservatives' Sir Bill Wiggin. The Tories have held the seat since 1906, with Don describing the Green win as "historic".

However, the celebrity gardener's post was met with a mixed reaction from his followers as some praised the new local MP while others criticised his support of the Greens.

Alongside a photo of his garden, Don wrote: "I am delighted that I am now represented by a Green MP. 

"Many congratulations to Ellie Chowns for winning Herefordshire North. An historic achievement."


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Taking to the comments, one Instagram user wrote: "Better stick to plants than politics."

Another fumed: "It's insane. Did people bother to read their manifesto? I don't see them standing up for farming or scrapping the net zero targets."

Despite the backlash, others showed their support, with one commenting: "I'm so pleased for you!"

Another added: “So so wonderful. The Greens did so well."