One Herefordshire’s best-known and longest-serving councillors has passed away aged 87.

Coun Bob Matthews had for some years led the True Independents group on the county council.

He had been an elected member continuously from when Herefordshire Council became a unitary authority in 1998, and had represented Credenhill near Hereford since 2011.


He sat on the council’s scrutiny management board and employment panel, as well as serving on fire and police authorities and other bodies outside of the council.

Council leader Coun Jonathan Lester said: “On behalf of all Herefordshire councillors I want to express our sadness at the death of Councillor Bob Matthews.

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“Coun Matthews dedicated so much of his life to serving the public, shaping, influencing and improving the decisions of this council. He was a very active champion of local democracy, and extremely passionate and active in representing his constituents, benefitting so many people over his many years of service.

“Many members of this council were encouraged to stand as a councillor as a result of his active engagement and passion around the role councillors play in serving this county. He will be missed by us all.

“Our deepest sympathies are with his family, friends and colleagues.”