Ledbury Carnival were at Ledbury's Community Day on Saturday June 8 with a display of Carnival memorabilia of the last 49 Carnivals as it prepares for its 50th event, Carnival goes gold on August Bank Holiday Monday.

A wonderful display of old programmes from Carnivals over the years as well as trophies and a whole host of information was set up for the Community Day.

Meanwhile preparations for this year's Carnival are coming along well.

Plans are progressing well with the number of Float entries looking to rise this year, extra entertainment booked and new stalls to add to the fun.

Support from local businesses and grants continues with a generous grant received from Platform Housing towards expenditure on the day.

Work on our 2024 Programme is continuing however there is still advertising space available.

There is still space for more stalls to join the fun and Promote their activities, Attract members and Raise money for their cause.

As always volunteers are needed, not just for this year, but for Carnivals in the coming years.

A number of specific roles and general supporting members will need to be filled at our AGM in November when several committee members will be leaving the organisation after many years service.

If anyone is interested in any of these opportunities, Float entry, Donating or Sponsoring, Advertising, having stalls or volunteering please contact us at our new website contact-us@ledburycarnival.co.uk