Ledbury Community Day went off with a bang.

Sixty groups and organisations joined Ledbury Community Day last Saturday ( June 8) to tell you what they do, how they can help you and how you can help them. All kinds of interests were covered including sports, horticulture, history, nature, local food, the arts and music making.

Other groups addressed healthy living, helping local charities, self-education, well-being, supporting refugees and the local food bank. Local churches were present, and plans for a memorial to John Masefield, Ledbury’s Poet Laureate, were on show.

The Ledbury Town Mayor, Councillor Stephen Chowns declared the event open at the Market House after which players from the Ledbury Community Band brought harmony to the High Street.

The Chairperson of Herefordshire Council, Councillor Roger Phillips declared officially open the new St Katherine’s Square in front of Ledbury’s Master’s House and Library. Guests at the opening included volunteers from organisations connected with the Master’s House

Following the opening Ledbury Border Morris were the first to perform on the Square. Later, the Courtyard Youth Theatre (in association with Ledbury’s Market Theatre) performed excerpts from the Wizard of Oz to an appreciative audience at the Square.

From 11.30am to 1.00pm finalists Barney Duke, Martha Hill and Angelina X from the recent Ledbury’s Got Talent competition entertained under the Market House.

The Methodist Church hosted an exhibition by local photographers on the theme of sustainability – part of Ledbury’s Great Big Green Week, which Community Day also opened,

Ledbury Carnival invited you to their exhibition featuring 50 years of Ledbury Carnival at the Community Hall.

Ledbury Town Football Club asked people to help choose the new club’s colours following the amalgamation with Ledbury Swifts.

For young people, Herefordshire Wildlife Trust ran a “Wildplay” session at the Library and Haygrove Community Gardens invited you to make garden objects for wildlife. Ledbury Primary School ran an informative display with pupils present.

Paul Kinnaird, chair of the organising committee said, “Once again the groups and organisations serving Ledbury have put on a splendid display for which we thank them. We also thank all those who visited the event, and our sponsors Eastnor Lodge Charity, Ledbury Town Council and Love Ledbury.”

Photos from the day can be seen at www.ledburycommunityday.org.uk where details of all who took part can also be found.