A new look town square has opened in Ledbury.

The refurbished St Katherine's Square was unveiled on Saturday (June 8) during the 10th annual Ledbury Community Day.

The newly developed square, which is planned to serve as a bustling community hub, attracted representatives from societies, businesses, funding contributors and council officials across the area.

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Spearheaded by Herefordshire Council, the square was renovated alongside the historic 16th Century Master’s House building to serve as a place for market trading away from the busy streets.

Chairman of the council, Cllr Roger Phillips, said: "I recall vividly seeing the original plans for the refurbishment of the Masters House and surrounding area and it has been fantastic to see the whole project progress and take shape.

"It was my pleasure to open the new St Katherine’s Square, which is a beautiful public space and will go on to become an asset for Ledbury."

Cllr Liz Harvey, ward member for Ledbury North, said: "The aim of this development was to transform the existing car park into a gateway to the Masters House, encompassing a garden, public space and ample parking.

"It has been thrilling to see the project take shape, and a pleasure to open what is a fantastic improvement to the townscape, a new feature to our attractive public environment and a wonderful space for community activities and public events."

The square is now open for bookings for a range of events on the council website.