A STALKER from Herefordshire who put a tracker on his victim’s car and showed up at her home unannounced has been sentenced.

The victim’s car was being monitored by a device placed on her vehicle by Simon Baldwin.

Hereford Magistrates’ Court heard the device, an Apple Air Tag which can easily be bought online or in shops, was on her car between October 5, 2022, and April 4, 2023.

Baldwin, 50, of Rotherwas Close, Hereford denied stalking the woman.

Prosecutor Paul John told the court the Apple Air Tag enabled enabled Baldwin to track the victim’s location, and he then turned up at her home address on April 2 and April 5 last year.

Baldwin was found guilty at trial and earlier this month was sentenced to a two-year community order with a 31-day programme.

He must attend up to 20 days of rehabilitation activities with the probation service.

An order was made to deprive the defendant of his rights, apart from his vehicle. The Apple Air Tag has been taken off him.

He must pay £200 in compensation to the victim and a £100 fine to the court. The costs to the Crown Prosecution Service will total £650 with an order for a £114 victim surcharge.

He has also been handed a restraining order banning him from contacting the victim by any means, from sending her gifts, and from entering a particular street in Hereford.


Hereford police have previously issued a warning about Apple Air Tag trackers. Police Community Support Officer Christina Howard warned: “It seems that the Air Tags are now being used for criminal activity. The Air Tags are used for stalking.

“One positive on this is that Apple has had to install a security alert which means that if there is an unrecognised tag, your iPhone will receive an alert to let you know.”

Apple, the manufacturer of Air Tags, says on its website: “Air Tags are designed to discourage unwanted tracking. The network will notice it’s with you and send your iPhone an alert. The Air Tag will also play a sound.”