June is a wonderful time for gardens and therefore a good time, as well, to see what other people are doing in their gardens.

The Friends of Ledbury Church are putting on an Open Gardens event on Saturday June 15 from 1.30pm to 5.00 pm.

Seven gardens, all near to each other in New St, Woodleigh Rd, Pound Close and Pound Meadow, will be on show.

They all have different special features.

You will be able to get round all of them without having to walk too far, and then you will have earned the chance to sit down and enjoy a cream tea and delicious homemade cakes.

What an ideal way to spend an afternoon and perhaps a chance to gather some ideas to use in your own spaces.

Tickets are £5.00 and we ask you to make a donation for your tea if you have enjoyed it as much as we anticipate.

You can buy your ticket outside Wisteria Cottage (on the other side of the road from the Co-op on New St) from 1.30 pm on the day.

The Friends of Ledbury Church put on a range of events throughout the year.

Many are talks about features of interest in Ledbury’s oldest building.

There are also popular social events (a Quiz Night and a Burns Night Dinner are regular features; look out too for an opportunity to visit the Bell Tower and take in the view from the parapet).

Programmes of events for the current year can be picked up from the back of the Church.

If you find your way to the Church, you might also like to visit the Bells Exhibition on the ground floor of the Tower. It is proving a very popular attraction for both visitors and local residents.

For more information, please see website friendsofledburyparishchurch.weebly.com.