THE 10th Ledbury Community Day takes place on Saturday June 8.

There’s even more to see, learn and discover at this year’s Ledbury Community Day breaking out around Ledbury town centre on Saturday June 8.

The Community Band will play, the Bells will ring, the Bowlers will bowl and the Morris will dance.

60 groups and organisations who serve Ledbury and District in all kinds of ways will join together to tell you what they do, how they can help you and how perhaps you can help them.

Community Day again marks the start of The Great Big Green week in Ledbury and you will find groups present to help you with energy saving, avoiding food waste, buying local and sustainable food and getting things repaired.

For a “green” challenge, pick up a geranium to grow on for the Annual Horticultural Show from the Horticultural Society.

2024 marks 50 years of continuity for Ledbury Carnival – visit their exhibition stretching back to the Seventies at the Community Hall.

There’s an exhibition too at the Methodist Church featuring the best nature and wildlife photos taken anywhere in Ledbury as part of a Great Big Green competition.

Advice and support will be available from groups including bereavement, adopting a healthy lifestyle, social activities, and local church activities. Community Action Ledbury will explain their services, and other local volunteer organisations will be looking for your help including Ledbury Refugee Support, Homestart Herefordshire and Ledbury Food Bank.

You will be able to explore all kinds of interests including the natural world, the canal, cycling, sport, singing, sport, our heritage buildings and history, the arts, Ledbury Poetry, the U3A, Probus and the WI.

For young people Herefordshire Wildlife Trust are running “Wildplay” at the Library (AM only), Ledbury Primary School will be exploring science and Haygrove Community Garden will be encouraging children of all ages to try out garden crafts such as making a bee hotel or a butterfly crop protector.

It will all be happening in the Burgage, Community and St Katherine’s Halls and other venues in Ledbury. Most venues will be open from 10am to 2pm.

The Brass Band (10am) and the Ledbury Border Morris (11.15) will be performing under the Market House. The Morris will also perform at the new St Katherine’s Square.

Paul Kinnaird of the organising committee said: “It’s a great opportunity for you to discover all the good things that go on in Ledbury and how you can benefit as a volunteer or a new member or supporter.”

Full details of all those taking part, where and when is now available at

Look out too for the printed What’s On guide which will help you find the groups you want to meet.