THE Annual General Meeting of Strömstad and Ledbury Twinning Association is taking place on – Thursday, May 30, at 7.30pm at Ledbury Market House.

Apart from the business of the meeting there will be an update on future events, including Swedish Midsummer celebrations in June 2024, school exchanges, Smorgasbord evening at The Talbot Hotel in the autumn .

The meeting will then adjourn for a social gathering in Little Strömstad at The Talbot Hotel

The Association will also be supporting Ledbury Community Day, on Saturday, June 8, with a presence in Little Strömstad.

From noon – 2pm committee members will be in Little Strömstad at the Talbot Hotel, to talk about the Twinning with Strömstad, the town itself, what the organisation offers and show artefacts from the region.

There will be a warm Swedish welcome to promote our links with our friends across the North Sea. There will also be a display in the window of Clubsport, on The Homend.

The Association will also participate in the procession for Ledbury Carnival on August Bank Holiday Monday and have an activity stand in the Town.