A YOUTUBER has highlighted the "dangerous" potholes along a main road describing one as his "favourite pothole in the world."

Car enthusiast Geoff Thompson, aka Geoff Buys Cars, pointed out the flaws along the A438, which is the main route from Ledbury to Tewkesbury, to his 1222,000 YouTube subscribers.

He even dipped his hand into one of the holes to show its depth on the road between Eastnor Castle and Tewkesbury.

"Just out on a little drive on my way back to my storage container," he said.

"I'm going to show you these potholes. I think I have just found my favourite pothole in the world.

"I am just going to show you some of these potholes, some of them have already been highlighted by the council but let's just walk up the road.

"I know we are out in the sticks, but these are really dangerous."



Ledbury Reporter: Mr Thompson demonstrates the size of the potholes on the A438 Mr Thompson demonstrates the size of the potholes on the A438 (Image: Screengrab YouTube)

Mr Thompson placed his hand on the outer edge.

"It's pretty flipping deep, isn't it!" he remarked when encountering the first pothole.

Ledbury Reporter: This pothole Mr Thompson described as his favouriteThis pothole Mr Thompson described as his favourite (Image: Screengrab YouTube)

"If you get your wheel in there you are 100% going to know about that."

Walking further up the road, Mr Thompson describes the next pothole as "even worse".

"Look at this, that is insane," he adds - again placing his fingers on the outer edge. 

"That was the best one. It's so bad on the way up, you can see all the patching on the road.

"How do we get to a stage where our road repairs are as bad as this?"

You can view the full video on YouTube at Geoff Buys Cars' official channel.

According to the RAC, potholes typically occur when the road surface deteriorates due to various factors such as temperature changes, water seepage, and repeated traffic impact.

Ledbury Reporter: Potholes appear through a series of factors that weakens the road surfacePotholes appear through a series of factors that weakens the road surface (Image: Screengrab YouTube)

The combination of these factors weakens the road surface, leading to the formation of depressions or holes.

Ledbury Reporter contacted Herefordshire Council for a comment but is yet to receive a response.