Celebrations over the recent costly restoration of Ledbury’s War Memorial have been short-lived, because of mysterious cracks and other visible damage.

A bus stop is nearby, and while the town council admits it has no evidence that buses mounting the pavement are to blame, the council is to write to local bus companies to explain its growing concerns.

But Ledbury town clerk, Angela Price said: “Whilst the council considers that the paving slabs adjacent to the highway may well have been damaged by buses mounting the pavement, without evidence we cannot prove this is what has happened and therefore it was agreed at a recent meeting of the Environment and Leisure Committee that it would not be fair to write to the bus companies for any reason other than to bring the matter to their attention.”

There is considerable damage to one flower planter on a corner of the monument, as if something has clipped it, and shards are stone are flaking away in places.

Some fresh damage is not down to buses or heavy traffic, including a green mould which is affecting significant areas of the monument, which was recently restored and cleaned at a cost of over £30,000.

Mrs Price told the Reporter that every councillor was disappointed that these problems had arisen, but she said: “I would like to reassure the public that we are working hard to resolve the issues once and for all.”

The issues were discussed at an online town council meeting last week, when one solution proposed was the installation of bollards, although it was recognised that this could take time, because of the necessary planning process.

There are “very stringent rules around the placing of bollards adjacent to the highway”.

Cllr Andrew Manns said that cracks had appeared in the memorial, which was built after the First World War, to honour Ledbury’s fallen.

Newcomer Stephen Chowns, who was in his first full meeting as a councillor, said: "Can I just ask if it's intended when the work is done that some sort of bollard post would be put up to prevent bus drivers thinking they can drive over it?"

Mrs Price replied: "It is an option that's being considered. You don't need listed building consent to do that because there is no curtilage to the memorial.

"The paving area and roadside doesn't come under the listed building element, but you would probably require planning permission."

Cllr Elizabeth Harvey, who represents the Ledbury North ward on Herefordshire Council, said: "There is a myriad of rules to do with putting things adjacent to the highway which impacts on whether can get bollards or something like that put between the war memorial and the kerb.

"Just because there's not a lot of spaces, that's why the memorial seems to be being damaged.

"It's frustrating that it seems to be getting more damage now that is has previously.”

But she added: "The problem is maybe that we can't put anything that is protective because there just isn't enough space, it would interfere with the memorial itself.

"I think working with the highways team to see what can be done, and the conservation officers can advise without having to go through formal consultation, so hopefully we can try and find a resolution to it."

One councillor mentioned the green mould.

Cllr Nick Morris added: "It's a terrible shame that the war memorial is in such a state, there's green growing on the pillars at the side of it."

The costs of repairs, a fresh clean and bollards, if they are to be installed, are yet to be announced.